Core Focus Industry Verticals
EnerBlock Capital Management
Eb3 Investment Opportunities

Digital Capital

EnerBlock integrates raw energy, distributed power,
and Bitcoin compute to build superior energy
businesses for the digital epoch.

The Wellhead Spark Convergence

The Greatest Arbitrage Opportunity of the Past Century

Latest News & Insights EnerBlock Times Latest News & Insights in Energy, Capital, Power, & Bitcoin

Latest News & Insights in Energy, Capital, Power, & Bitcoin

Eb3 Thesis The Wellhead Spark Convergence

The Greatest Arbitrage Opportunity of the Past Century

Natural Gas Priced in $USD vs Natural Gas Priced in BTC
Eb3 BitSpreadTM

The Eb3 thesis centers on acquiring and consolidating mature oil and natural gas fields at steep discounts to their Bitcoin-enhanced values. Our integrated business structure captures downstream economic value directly at the wellhead, representing one of the greatest economic arbitrage opportunities of the past century.

Eb3 Value Enhancement

The average gross margin value enhancement per $/MMBtu of natural gas over the last 5 years when monetizing gas with Bitcoin, compared to conventional market channels.


The average $/MMBtu of natural gas over the last 5 years when monetized with Bitcoin, demonstrating the significant economic advantage of the Eb3 approach.


The potential gross marginal value per MMBtu through the Eb3 WBSSA corporate treasury strategy, illustrating the lucrative prospects of integrating Bitcoin monetization into natural gas operations.

The EnerBlock AIM

EnerBlock invests in the ultimate pillars of modern civilization: Oil, Power, and Sound Money—forming a fortified economic Ark designed to weather any storm, withstand any challenge, operate in all conditions, and outperform every alternative. In a world of uncertainty, these are the assets that ensure resilience, sustainability, and prosperity, no matter what the future holds.

Oil and Gas Investing Energy Assets
Acquire Primary Energy Assets

EnerBlock targets high-potential, long-life, low-cost primary energy assets, identifying situations in the conventional marketplace where assets can be acquired at a steep discount to their digitally enhanced value.

Oil and Gas Investing Power Systems
Initiate Distributed Power Systems

EnerBlock leverages our proprietary Eb3 PowerPlan software to develop advanced distributed power systems to maximize supply utilization and efficiently convert prime energy into continuous electrical power output. 


Oil and Gas Investing Monetize Bitcoin
Monetize with Bitcoin Compute

EnerBlock implements state-of-the-art, energy-efficient modular Bitcoin mining pods to utilize the electrical power and monetize the operation. This transformational strategy preserves and enhances economic energy by recapturing spent energy inputs, and encapsulating it in the form of Bitcoin output, thus creating a token of “Digital Economic Energy”.  

Invest with EnerBlock



Oil and Gas Investing Invest with EnerBlock Poster 1

Unlock Exclusive Digital Energy Investment Opportunities with EnerBlock’s Eb3 Investment Platform.

  • Proprietary Offerings
  • Secure Banking Connections
  • Real-Time Production Feeds
  • Digital Wallet Hosting
  • Automated Distributions
  • Investment Performance Tracking


Exclusively for Accredited Investors and Qualified Purchasers

Join the Eb3 Digital Energy Revolution

At EnerBlock, we transform energy assets into digital wealth. We seek passionate and innovative individuals with diverse expertise across energy, technology, and finance to join our dynamic team

Join us in the Digital Energy Revolution. 

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I have an individual income of over $200,000 (or joint income with my spouse of over $300,000) in each of the past two years and reasonably expect to reach the same level in the current year, AND/OR I have an individual net worth in excess of $1,000,000.
Areas of Interest (mark all that apply)
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